Discover Alley Gardening

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Staycation Progress Report: Day 2 - Things Don't Always Go As Planned

By the end of the week, I'm supposed to look back and say, "Wow! Look at all the amazing stuff I got done!!!"

So how's it going so far?

Ummmm . . . I've gotten some laundry done, and some dishes washed. But garage door painting progress? Slow. Top-to-bottom house cleaning progress? Not started. Delicious food making? Dinner didn't make it to the table last night until 7:30.

That was day 1 of my great staycation. Today got off to a much better start. And then this happened:

Those are the most beautiful rolls I've ever made . . . and that's shattered Pyrex all over them. The soup I was making to go with these beautiful rolls? Right after the Pyrex explosion, I taste-tested and found I'd made a terrible error. It was way too spicy for child consumption. Sigh.

So after three children's swimming lessons in the afternoon, and before one child's viola lesson in the evening, a take out dinner graced our table on day 2 of mom's staycation. I felt like a failure.

And so, I realize I'm re-learning what all stay-at-home parents already know: there is never enough time to get everything done. And anyone who thinks you should be able to get everything done because you're not working another job, is dreaming.

I did know this once -- back when I was staying home with my first son. My house was never clean and personal projects were never undertaken then, either. But recently I've been able to delude myself into thinking, when my job ends, I'm going to have sooooooo much time! I'm going to have beautiful gardens, and canned food, and a freezer full of pies, and a blog post every day, and happy children, and a renovated home, and custom-built cabinetry, built by me of course!!!

And maybe I will . . . maybe. But today, I'm thinking, it's a good thing I'm having this staycation to give me a little dose of reality before the true reality of unemployment and unlimited time (HA!) sets in.

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